The Uniform Public Construction Cost Accounting Act enacted in 1983 under Public Contract Code Section 22000 et seq. The intent was to promote uniformity of the cost accounting standards and bidding procedures on construction work performed or contracted by public entities in the state. CUPCCAA authorizes alternate bidding procedures by establishing higher threshold amounts for force-account and projects required to be formally bid. In addition, it sets limits between the force-account and formal bid thresholds.
Our 3-Step Process
It’s Easy as 1-2-3!
Prospective bidders (contractors & sub-contractors) complete questionnaire, financial statements, and submit pertinent documents.
Online questionnaire is automatically scored using client's adopted formula. Financial statements and documents are (CPA) verified and scored.
An on-line pre-qualification scored matrix is produced at the award of any project for their final approval.
CUPCCAAÂ Compliant
Pre-Qualification Process
How PQBids Helps

The Simplest Way to Navigate the New Pre-Qualification Laws
Saves time, money and hassle. Sign up today!

Save Time and Increase Efficiency
PQBids Streamlines the Pre-Qualification Process Saving Taxpayer Dollars and Increasing Staff Efficiency.
Streamlined Pre-Qualification
PQBids utilizes a safe, secure and accessible online process for construction projects. PQBids works closely with public entities to create an all inclusive pre-qualification process that best suits the client's needs, reduces staff time, saves money and meets state laws.
Save Money
Reduce staff time and significantly minimize general fund dollars used on construction projects. Once the process is developed, approved and implemented, staff will provide oversight, confirming steps in the process thereby reducing time consuming and tedious paper work.
PQBids works with staff to develop a tailored online Standardized Questionnaire and Financial Statement using the California Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) Forms as a model guideline. PQBids consults with the client in developing, adopting and applying a Uniform System of Rating Bidders that meets legal standards and is visualized through our online Bidder Matrix. An eco-friendly paperless process that is secure, streamlined, and transparent.
The process starts by consulting with the client in developing and adopting their online Standardized Questionnaire Form, Financial Statement Form and Uniform System of Rating Bidders, using Department of Industrial Relations standards as a guideline. The process may be used quarterly or on an annual basis. Once established it’s as simple as 1-2-3.